oh lovelies

Thursday, March 03, 2005

something needs to be uncovered......

I just watched this really depressing movie: House of Sand and Fog.

I need something much more cheerful.

I'm so tired now; but I'm optimistic. Still, I know I have to find a solution to this, somehow.

what happened was that I was just going to sleep this morning, the 2 March, around 1AM, and I heard the buzzer. My buzzer connects to the neighbors, so I figured it was for them. THen I heard a knock on the window. It was the cops.

Long story short, they went through my backyard looking for someone on the prowl. Choppers were flying over my backyard, with a searchlight. My back yard went white, especially with the snow.

I called G in a panic and asked him to come over, which he finally did. There were cop cars lined up the block, like at least five of them. And I don't know what the hell was going on, except it must have been someone with a gun. I haven't found anything in the papers.

My cats then woke me up three times, and then I had to get up at 6AM for something.

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