oh lovelies

Saturday, March 05, 2005

so ......more on jobs

I don't know what to do, because all I want is to travel and perform and I miss London for some reason, and that's why I'm willing to spend money seeing this guy. or am I? Time is running out, but I have the chance. I've been.......I can't stop thinking about him. I know, it's wrong. But it isn't just that. Well, actually it is.

So is GWB the problem with the US? If no one likes him, how did he become prez? Even Hollywood which to me is hardly a liberal place is all against Bush. These people are hypocrites because they ride around in limos. That's the difference between liberal and radical. I mean some of them are just loud and annoying.....but some of them are genuine. I like Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon and a few others. But how progressive is HOllywood in general? I mean, women in this town aren't really that much better off than in repressive religious countries. Absolutely women are second class citizens there. So.....beg to differ, but I believe I am right. But they're getting that way in NYC, too. There is sexual harassment going here, and it's really rampant. And the harder it is to live here, the more women will have to fall back on their bodies.

To me, the battle is not for abortion rights. I don't think abortion should ever be illegal. But if I ever need one and can't get one in the US I guess I can go to France, to Canada. Maybe women should be trained to perform abortions. But I can't keep the emphasis on pro-choice when so many other women's issues aren't given enough attention, and these ones are really, really crying out for help. Mainly it comes down to assault.....cause the articles I've read tell me that a girl or woman can be raped or held in slavery, literally, and nothing will likely be done about it. Well, sorry, the truth hurts. But look at the statistics of, say, southeast Asia or India where people are so desperate they pimp out their kids. No exaggeration. Or the girls who are forced into prostitution. I try to get help on this here where I am but people simply don't appear to be taking me seriously, even other women! SOme of them still say, well, the girls are probably sluts and blah blah blah. Even if they are sluts they don't deserve to be raped. And many of these girls are not, either. They don't want to have sex with strangers any more than you do.

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