oh lovelies

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I agree with bloomberg about the smoking, even I disagree

about everything else. Certain people I know smoke and have a really tough time quitting. I went through it myself, and it's hell at first. But I hate cigarette smoke and, look, if you don't want your rent jacked up and don't want to be exploited by power, at least take care of yourself and your surroundings. People throw garbage in front of my building and there's no excuse. Don't pollute the air with cigarette and even pot smoke and don't throw garbage around. I mean, that's a no brainer. I live in a neighborhood that's being gentrified and I can barely afford my rent as is. G and I have had some serious fights about this, but I don't think people have a right to smoke on the stairs outside if the smoke comes into my apt and I can't breathe. No, they don't have a "right" to smoke. THat's why people will vote for BB because at least they can breathe with him as mayor. Today I was doing my stretches and smelled smoke and it just......it's rude. I'm sorry. Quit, people! But.....some people are seriously addicted and need help. My dad's a truly great person and I love him but his habit is severe. He's very much in danger of being killed by it, and I just can't bear the idea of losing him, especially early. Not to mention that my guilt is compounded cause I'm not working.....so that's why I am working so hard now.....aside from that I have to make a living. But anyhow, I wish I knew what to do because no one will listen to me, including him. But anyhow....I mean people don't even realize how bad their own smoke is. THat's why I quit, cause I couldn't take it. Yes, x person, if you want us to be a pair, that habit has to go. I'm sure you can do it.

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