oh lovelies

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing. Jessamyn West

This knocked the wind out of me. I got a FB message to wish a certain person Happy Birthday....man after the way he screwed me that is so ludicrous it's......what words?

But I'm going to be nice. To forgive, forget......forget how  (figuratively, it would have been easier if literally......) and there are no words to describe that......

Scorpio and Leo is a fascinating combination.....I'm a Leo with Scorpio as rising sign.

Maybe I should hate this person. I should hate this person. I have every reason to.

But.....what is the saying?

The question is this: is it worth getting bitten? 

The other is.....how did it feel, getting bitten? Had to throw that in. And you still have the marks. 

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