oh lovelies

Monday, November 21, 2011

more words draft .....To You I Bring

very rough wrote this last night........here's the beginning 

Now you're surrounded by me 
sugar strawberry 

love honey ouija 
love honey ouija 
sugar strawberry 
that I am 
that is me 
that is newly me 
across the ocean 
the endless ocean 
across the river 
silver river
honey ouija 
you and me 
you me sticky 
all over me 
bruise me get me sticky 
to you and he I bring it and he 
that is mine mine and all of mine
honey ouija me 
woke up you and me 
what I saw 
fitting perfectly 
sugar strawberry 
to you I bring 
to you I bring 
Sugar Strawberry/Honey Ouija I am now 
I am now 
yes I am and will 
I am me and will 
I am 
now the name is hidden
now the name is hidden

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