oh lovelies

Friday, April 07, 2006

a strange email

just in case you all ahve been living in a hole in the ground i am in iraq. im going 2 days with out sleep. just finished writing about my whole life family girls i dated and so on. to get a new job. its the only time im allowed to go online. myspace has been blocked. the best way to get intouch with me is to write to me it takes a few days but it is still faster than me checking my emails. ill be home from christmas or so they say they have already started asking for volunteers to stay another year. each day feels like a week time is going so slow it feels like it is going in reverse.
its crazy i see explosions and gun fights everyday i just havent been shot at yet i think everyone in my unit execpt me was shot at and its only week two. just incase you didnt get my address it is

If im lucky i get 5 hours of sleep its non stop work running around setting up onthing or another. im more worried of being attacked by giant spiders than i am of the enemy these are crazy ive seen a spider eat a mouse and i wake up next to me everyday. they are the size of my palm and everyone says they are babies they get alot bigger
you better write and send care packages like pictures and burned cds are always good. looking foward to getting some mail from you. remember no mail days are sad days

This is someone I worked with...who just wrote me out of the blue. I'm suprised he even remembers me......I'm just a little wierded out by this, but moved.

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