oh lovelies

Saturday, April 08, 2006

choices, or don't force your values on me

I'm a hippie earth mother at heart. I really have been thinking about it a lot and I'm feeling guilty that all these animals are suffering and I'm spending money on things for myself. I want nice things as much as anyone, but as far as priorities go....I really want to help cats and other small furry creatures. Sometimes, as a working girl, you have to make choices: plane tickets, bags, animals....one or the other. I chose to spend money on a plane ticket and hotel room, and travel can be scary. But I live in NYC and here every time you turn around there's someone in a million dollar outfit and there are designer stores everywhere. I don't know, I'm not saying it's bad. But it's kind of sick: that some people have that luxury to spend in a day what some people make in 6 months. To me, that isn't right. I don't believe in the 9to 5 life, or this system. But I feel like I"m the only one. Maybe I should leave this country. When you're 24, your whole life shouldn't be your job. Or kids or a house. You should be traveling, making art, all these things like the people I met while traveling. My generation just had different priorities.

Well I have more to say on this but I feel like this will be really edgy. But I don't believe in the 9 to 5 life and I don't believe that there's virtue in working what are really menial office jobs; all the stuff I was raised to believe is "right." It was drilled into me nonstop growing up 9 to 5 life is right like .....well I'll end that here.

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