oh lovelies

Friday, April 07, 2006

male aggression and attention on the street

I used to belong to this group the Street Harassment Project. Anyway, long story short, there was too much infighting and ugliness and I left....but more than that...it's weird but I felt so dissatisfied with how it went. Even groups like Vagina Dentata though I admire them, I'm just bothered by it as well. I have mixed feelings about our counter harassment parties because on one hand I support them but on the other I don't know if that was the right approach. Some of the men were not really that harmful; some were worse than others. But I got something last night from a guy who basically just jumped in my face and started talking/yelling at me, trying to start a conversation, when I think I made enough body language to show I wasn't interested in one. I see these guys jumping on women, usually young, attractive ones, like they're prey, like they have this sense of entitlement, to another person's bodily space and life. I walk down the street and constantly have to dodge these guys who walk really close behind me, too close. So I see street harassment as another form of male domination anyhow.....

Maybe I don't know the solution.....maybe beating them up is. Why ...that's the key, why do men feel this entitlement to a woman's body? I also know that in different cultures personal space varies. I'm not used to too much eye contact, physical closeness or friendliness from strangers and I don't know why it bothers me so much. Some people say it's NEw York but I was raised in the Midwest. Some people don't .....a person should be given the respect that maybe they don't want to be bothered. Maybe they're in a bad mood and don't want to be....really pounced on.

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