oh lovelies

Saturday, April 09, 2005

few things

.....people are going to believe what they want. But so many people rush to conclusions about things they don't know ANYTHING about.
But does it do any good to fight with people, on the other side? I don't want to fight with anyone, and no one is going to change. But some things have to be dispelled. SO these people are forming their narrow minded (OK what I think) opinions on subjects they've never studied, I can argue with them but will I change them? They'll come up with something to justify their opinion.....such and such happened or the facts say this so......they're right, they will always be right, no matter how many things you tell them they're going to think what they're going to think. So why yell at them or fight with them? Problem is, they influence others, too.

I thought it was just the US but it appears to be everywhere: people want instant answers, immediate solutions. That's why divorce is so high?

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