oh lovelies

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

fuck security deposits

I don't believe in them. I know, people are going to be horror-struck. But I've already gone though the process of getting a place, paying a fee, and signing my life away to the Devil. The way I see it, I'm not responsible for someone else's property or financial obligations. I've had prospective people tell me, "Well I need a deposit because the last person ran off with my TV set" or "If someone ditches out on me I'm fucked because this place is expensive." I mean, it's not my fault that shady people exist nor that you signed this lease fully aware of the responsibility you're taking on. A deposit is only an added burden and stress to me and your lease is your problem, not mine. My only obligation is to pay for my stay, you know? I bought into the "system" of renting three years ago and it is one of the worst mistakes I ever made: being rented a place that is off the books and, in the eyes of the law, frauded out of thousands of dollars.

This is a rant and it sounds like I'm asking the world to pity me: I'm not. Maybe it's just frustration, that all my hard-earned money will be going to rent when a place to live should be guaranteed everyone. I also don't think all my money should go to rent just to live in a "good neighborhood...." i.e. one where I don't feel freaked out coming home at night. Where I can take the subway at any hour and not have to be accompanied by someone (preferably a guy), pay extra for a cab, or not go out at all.

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