oh lovelies

Monday, February 21, 2005

snow snow

it is pretty, but it's midnight now and I fell asleep for a couple hours at my mom's where I'm dog sitting. Taking care of her is very strenuous and going back and forth three times a day plus the stress of having to be careful not to mess anything up because mother's husband is freaking out about that. THen, Mother doesn't want me to bring the dog to Brooklyn which will make things infinitely easier. I want to watch a movie but then I'll have to get up in the morning to walk her.

I had cramps today and was in agony for a while. But I don't believe in messing with my natural cycle. I will never take birth control pills. I can't understand women who will get rid of their period altogether. It is the body's way of cleansing itself. Plus, my mother thinks her mother's cancer might have been caused by birth control pills. I wonder about the direction we're heading in. WOmen around me won't (I'm talking about SHP again) do skits or cheers cause, God forbid, it'll ruin our image, take birth control pills which cut out their feminine functions, eat unhealthy food, won't take care of themselves or help themselves, OK I'm coming down hard on someone but my boyfriend has a point when he says he can't stand to hear people whine, when they won't help themselves. I just am really upset at the direction SHP is going in. Whether it's infiltration and a plot or just people who disagree with me or just someone is being shallow I feel really frustrated by the way things are turning out.

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