oh lovelies

Thursday, February 17, 2005

My new blog....yay!

I have quite a lot to say, which I've written elsewhere. Welcome dear reader. I hope to uplift people with what I write and not drag down. But it's an honest account of how I'm feeling at a particular time, and I may be feeling angry or dejected at one point but it doesn't mean I'll stay that way. Do I have certain anger, yes. But I hope I'm an optimist, not a pessimist. I want to work toward good and not bad. But, well, yeah, I do have some issues. Here's my effort to tell my side of my own story.
Also, I have my own passionate beliefs politically and I am a feminist and realize there are those who disagree. Suffice it to say that as we are unlikely to change each other's views, I am not interested in fighting with anyone. I respect your right to your opinion if you respect mine. Also, I do not support racism and hope that I never offend anyone that way, because that is never my intent, either. If I ever do, then I profusely apologize and be assured that I never meant it as prejudicial.
But that said, I consider feminism a civil rights issue, not a set of beliefs, so I won't tolerate disrespect toward or discrimination against women. I will speak out if I feel that is occuring. If you want to take it as a personal attack, then I can't stop you, but it is not. Please understand that my life has culminated in many events which impacted me enough to say that feminism is necessary and a principal of mine, and that is what I speak from.

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