oh lovelies

Sunday, February 12, 2006

snowed in

It's very white out here, but beautiful, truly. I would take pictures but I can't find my digital camera and G says his are filled up, so.....

This is very annoying. But I'll describe it. The park across from G's house is Fort Greene Park and it's all white, now, with kids sledding. His roommate was talking about how two years ago there were kids making sleds out of garbage lids and now there are kids with $200 sleds, one of which they found outside someone's apartment. It's called gentrification, right? I said to G, you have a snowboard which isn't cheap either, plus $1000 bikes. But anyhow, this neighborhood is filling up with young, gorgeous and rich people everywhere. I ran out in sweats and a thermal top and by the time I got to G's my hair was covered in snow and I was a dripping mess, far from being one of the upscale residents here. Just going to the usual Yummy Yummy Chinese food place was a major ordeal, but anyhow, here I am, restless, wanting to do something but not even able to take a picture.

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