oh lovelies

Monday, December 12, 2005

ok it's true

maybe it's my period or past illness ( I think I had toxic shock syndrome) or something......

but I was pissy as hydrochloric acid the past couple days. I'm a little better

I am wondering if I should delete my last post, in case anyone read it. Maybe I was acting like my family, speaking of whom, I was with Mother last night and it took a whole day to recover. But I'm ok, sort of.

So what else is going on? I'm preparing to get a new passport, ID, just picked up my coat and sweater from the cleaners, picked up laundry, hauled all that fucking shit up two flights of stairs twice, cleaned up after the cats, went grocery and cat shopping with Garrett, bought some chianti and jelly, left The Second Sex at the gym, bought some jeans and a sweater, am seriously thinking of starting a screenplay, just got Backstage, am reading a bio of Margeret Mitchell, authoress of Gone with the Wind, and am going to ask my family to just buy two things for xmas: a plane ticket to London and headshots. Everything else I can get myself! Actually those I can get myself as well......

Reading list:

Virginia Woolf's the Waves
Bridget Jones' Diary
Pride and Prejudice (for the second time)

maybe Willa Cather, don't know

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