oh lovelies

Saturday, December 03, 2005

fort greene is beautiful at christmas

This time of year especially. It's lit up with christmas decorations and so on, plus the park feels like the country. So I'm spending a night here and enjoying what's closest to nature in NYC. It would be nice if I could be in the country with horses and able to let my cats out and fresh apples......some day. When this current crisis has ended, and it's not ending fast enough. I take two steps forward then a step back. I haven't worked in four days now and I made decent money at my last gig, but I want to KEEP it. I've been staying at the Y in Greenpoint but this neighborhood really is so elegant. I remember last year coming back from Egypt and I was SO homesick, as much as I love traveling, I really was burnt by the end, and SO happy to see my neighborhood again. But then soon enough I wanted to leave again. I still will, eventually. But it's been an uphill battle and hard work. I study astrology and am learning some periods are good and some aren't, and the planets influence so much.....well, that's business. But to really succeed means being on top of it 24/7 and looking in all directions at once like Linda Blair in the Exorcist. My driving instructor said that to me, about driving, but it's true for what I'm doing as well. That means being always ready, cause time is money.

But right now I'm lazing off. I haven't sent out headshots and am fucking around, watching movies. I watched Choses Secretes again. This film is AMAZING!!!! Now I'll watch a Venezualen film.

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