oh lovelies

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

decorating the tree

My mother, sister and mother's husband and I all went out last night and got an xmas tree. Then we pulled out the decorations and tinsel (one at a time, I did) and next thing, beauty in the house! Already I have presents, although I told my mother I'd rather pick out what I want and have her buy it.

I love christmas and presents, the whole element of surprise, but in the end it turns into a bunch of junk. I honestly don't know what I've done with any of my presents and Mother always gets me clothes that are completely not my style, like big boxy Gap stuff.

I hopefully will be working tomorrow cause my cash is scarily low. I'm getting annoyed and edgy about it. Today was super cold and I was running around town for hours in it, then got back to Garrett's and fell asleep, before he decided he wanted to go to this new restaurant, and was pushing his roommate and I to go there like his life depended on eating there tonight. But....it was nice, a sort of Thai place and the food and drinks were pretty cool: I had ginger and lemon juice, squash soup with sour cream (awesome) and curry tofu (mediocre). Then a bunch of Entemanns chocolate chip.........I do have a sugar tooth, and finally instant coffee (I prefer that to the cheap deli coffee).

All this helped take my mind off the stress and ........ difficulties of today. Talked, also, to my ex, who's now an entrepreneur. I guess there's a job for everyone.

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