oh lovelies

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

biking through nyc during a transit strike

I have mixed (I'm trying different colors) about this strike. During the summer I biked everywhere and walked everywhere, so this kind of stuff won't completely throw me off. But today was rough. I was pissed, for a while. I rode all the way into manhattan from Brooklyn, then uptown, all the way to 86th st, turned around, rode alone on the west side highway by the river and it's very, very lonely there. Then on down the 28th street, and I thought I'd NEVER get there because I was shot by the time I got to this Indian restaurant I go to there (Curry in a Hurry), treated myself to dinner which I could hardly eat, had coffee, then rode to Williamsburg. These people who INSISTED I see them tonight and said I could stay there tonight (I had money to give them as well) changed their tune when I got there and said they were waiting for their roommate to talk to me who apparently had to approve of me. By then I got so pissed cause I had SAID earlier, on the phone, why don't I see you guys tomorrow because it's late.......and instead I wasted my time coming here. It was about almost 1AM by then. Well, uh, sorry.....was his response. I left there and rode uphill to Fort Greene in what seemed like an eternal ride. I try and try these places in Williamsburg and, look it's not a personal judgment call, but I just keep having bad experiences with people in that neighborhood. I guess it's cool and I'm not which just annoys me more, but hey, I tried and tried but I've just encountered one flake after another. And I'm pissed, yeah. Eventually I kind of forgave these people but, for God's sake, did it not occur to them that I had to ride a bike everywhere and this was a strain on me? And I SAID why don't I see you tomorrow. They could have been straight with me....if they had something against me or whatever. If what they told me was a lie or not.....is it me or what? I guess not.....this girl apparently waited and waited for me so it's a misunderstanding.......but this is just treacherous. The one good thing is I made some money. At least I got that. And I saved some, like $120 I would have spent there. A guy .....I think he was trying to pick me up while I was walking my bike over the bburg bridge.....then I told him I was staying with "my boyfriend" and well, goodbye charlie......but he was nice enough to guide me to these people's house. So.....I had been longing the whole time to be at G's with my computer, wine and kitties, and I finally got my wish at 2 AM. G also drank all my Chianti but I have his roommate's wine, which I'm enjoying now.

As for the strike, I believe they deserve decent wages and maybe they have a right to strike, I don't know. But I was also thinking, I am not the one who is doing this to them, so why should I suffer, you know? It's very very hard work biking through the city and VERY dangerous. I don't think people realize. But I almost got hit by about 100 cabs, SUVs and garbage trucks. I feel lucky to have survived. And G told me everyone he knows, almost, who rides in the city has been in an accident. So I'm in my helmet and glasses and G's North Face jacket looking very unsexy, but....ta da! I get hit on anyway.....

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