oh lovelies

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

women't sex lives, their rights

I went to a morning after pill demo today, to protest the FDA delay on getting it available over the counter. I just can't believe how fucked up things are in this country and that not only do we women, the majority, not have access to affordable housing, health care, decent jobs, really, but we can't even control our reproductive lives if things keep going how they are. Abstinence only sex ed? When I was ten, our school had sex ed, and it was girls, boys together, a full year class. This is what men have, what women have, what happens, how babies are made, what a period is, how a baby is born, ect. And this was evanston, illinois, not some "free love" environment. I just can't understand these conservatives: they don't give us national child care or maternity leave which we need and which is available elsewhere around the world. We don't have national health care. We have no means of living without a good job and those too are under threat. There are no day care centers in the work place. A woman's decision to have a kid is her problem. But everywhere else in the world, practically, the government aids women who are expecting. So we have no means to support a child, but they're forcing us to have them. I am so pissed. If I get out of the dilemma I'm in, or if I reconcile with this guy I started seeing, he can marry me and I'm so out of here. But my friends and family are here, too. I can't take this place. The housing system is corrupt, wrong. Everyone should have a place to live and not be subjected to the fear of losing their job and ending up homeless, or ending up homeless at all. They shouldn't be forced to live in shelters or on people's charity. I'm so disgusted with the state of things here. Those who have gone to Europe, I'm tempted to say don't come back. I'm so mad right now.

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