oh lovelies

Sunday, August 28, 2005

the right to fight

men who take advantage of, trick, disrespect us, use us for sex, cheap labor....the list goes on.....

I've been thinking, that women who fight back are branded as dangerous, as criminals. In fact, men are physically bigger, have much more advantage in the world, are backed up by the government, the police, the law, tradition, religion, money and.....am I forgetting anything? Try miliatry power. So a woman should have a right to hit a guy who insults her, tricks her into sex and uses her for that, who refuses condoms or responsibility for either STDs or pregnancy, who treats her like a prostitute (no offense toward prostitutes) in a brothel who is supposed to be there at their beck and call, who shouts at her and violates her physically or verbally when she asks for him to do what he is supposed to, when she demands her rights, when she complains and her complaint is valid......I really think girls and women have a right to beat these men up. The way things are now, if a woman yells, fights back, hits a guy, the cops or whoever, really, don't think, (and unfortunately many women take their side) she may have had valid reason to be pissed, what did he do to her? Did he throw trash in front of her apartment, refuse to clean when he was supposed to, throw her out when she had no where to go, trick and use her for sex, hit her, assault her, but that's only the most extreme, I mean it's the day to day violations in small way that hit the hardest, that are the most permanent. But people and authority (and again, I emphasize, other women often) will say, the woman is a criminal and should be locked up. They don't think maybe it's the men who are criminals, who are hurting women, that it's men who are harmful.

Women's rights have been under constant attack since 1975 whatever it was, but it snowballed in the 80s. If you voted for Bush or Reagan, or especially if you're a "liberal" who nonetheless tells women non whites the poor, that they shouldn't do anything to change the world they're in and not to bother making any demands (and some of them were my friends) then this is your fault. I hold you responsible.

I am being difficult here. I have valid reasons to be mad. I can't keep pretending everything is great, when it's not, when there are serious problems in the world and in life. Sure, it's easy to go from one suck ass relationship, job and living situation to another which I can find anywhere in the world, but that's not what I want. I want real answers, a real improvement. That's what I have to make.

I know it'll be an uphill battle but what choice do I have? Others may judge, and will. There's only so much in my control. I will, if I solve these current problems, leave here. Either way I'll have to. But I want to move up, not sideways. That's the tricky part.

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