oh lovelies

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

cell phone miracle, maybe?

stupidly, I got my phone wet. It wouldn't work, and the button kept ringing, there was no picture. my friend was supposed to meet me but there was no communication. shit!!!! I kept saying. I put the phone on the stove to dry it out. I put it back together: still not working, and it said "emergency download" (well, this is a condensed version of this.) I figured if I turn on the stove the phone will dry out faster. I turned on the burner (I know you can say it's not that smart but I was trying to dry it in a hurry). Suddenly, the phone was in flames. I turned off the burner, blew out the flames, and my phone is charred now at the edges with part of it burned off. Now I think I have to get a new phone asap. I tried turning it on to see if maybe it works, and the same message "Emergency download" is on the phone. I take it apart again, and leave it. I found it five hours later, put it back together, and pushed the button to turn it on, and amazingly it came on, and the regular picture is on it. THe buttons, though burnt, still work. But it's a mangled mess. It still works though (knock wood).

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