oh lovelies

Sunday, August 21, 2005

erotic writing and porn

I am sexual and a feminist and I can say with assurance I know the sex industry pretty well. I love sex, when it's right. I read erotic literature and art and ......sex is great. However, I am not a fan, to say the least, of any kind of writing, art, pictures, whatever, that demean females in any way or degrade them. Much sex-oriented pictures and writing does. I am an enemy of misogyny, which absolutely creeps into a good deal of sex stuff. It's more about females being inferior. Where do you draw the line? Fantasies are fucked up, all about what's wrong. You can fantasize about being in a concentration camp, turn that into something erotic, but it doesn't mean you really want to be there. You can fantasize about rape or, well, use your imagination. I does not mean you really want it.

Maybe there is no simple solution. Sometimes lines have to be drawn. A snuff film is not protected speech. Nor is forced pornography. Someone should have the right to express something if it's consenting adults no matter how despicable. It doesn't mean they have a right to display it in the workplace, or at school, ect. If someone wants to read it they should be allowed to, on their own time.

I am a feminist and sexy, sex-positive.

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