oh lovelies

Sunday, June 19, 2005

so much,

I got about a hundred submissions for my play. Lots of women interested. I think I know pretty fast who I want to cast just from photos. Some people just have interesting faces and eyes, which leads me to think their personalities are interesting. BUt those people are rare. I want to find these relationships where sparks fly, with a male or female, but it's hard. When I finally do find people like that, well.....
I just seem to be running into a lot of people who I just don't connect to. Maybe to some readers this sounds like a righteous woe is me rant but I keep trying and trying but I'm just not finding them, although my dear reader you may be an exception. I am not like most bloggers I see where there is a lot of chatty material and photos. Personally, no hard feelings, but that doesn't interest me.

so this one guy was posting comments and had a weird, moving blog but he disappeared. I know nothing about him. It's strange how I deeply connect with so few people and it's not for lack of trying. I TRY so hard to get along with "everyone" but getting along is not the same as.....

it's fun getting headshots and making creative decisions but it's also really annoying to be constantly having to open, resave, delete emails cause I get messages saying my storage is full.

I was thinking of comments my mother sometimes makes about other women. These are gorgeous women who look like models, at least I thought so, and she'll say, "She looks like a man. She looks like a drag queen." Really catty, huh?

1 comment:

b. said...

i've never lived in nyc, but i get the feeling it's even harder place for making those conections you seem to be seeking. it's just so big and everyone is moving so fast and is so busy. maybe i'm simplifying it a bit, but it just seems like with all the people and all the activity going on, new york could be an easy place to feel lonely...keep looking, you'll find what you're looking for :)