oh lovelies

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

just returned from indy

a mere three days but it felt like a month. It was for the most part a nice visit....but traveling took a day, as I flew to atlanta then changed to indinapolis with three hours in between. Atlanta looks like a cool place I wouldn't mind spending some time in. I may be different from these round the world vagabonders in that...well, for now I wouldn't want to go away for months at a time. Maybe to live somewhere, but NYC is still home, however fucked up. I enjoy coming home like now....to familiar surroundings. It becomes very stressful living out of a suitcase and....but then there's the part of me that says, I want to go to such and such a place and I need a change....I think sometimes I have to get out of the US, maybe I will, like spend time in Berlin or Egypt. My next trip will be, well, I really miss the whole UK, I really, really do. Sometimes it just is painful to read about anything from there, or anyone, and not be there. I never thought I'd be saying this but I miss the place. It just feels "right." Sometimes I think I never should have returned. BUt like I said, I get homesick. Also, back to Berlin, like to study and work. Or Egypt. LA. My next little trip will be South America, like in February next year. That way, cause their summer is our winter, when I'm freezing here I can think about how great the beach is going to be. Peru, Argentina, but not for too long, just a few weeks.

so tomorrow are the auditions.....

After a while I have to shut off....can't think, xcept.....no brainer stuff.

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