oh lovelies

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


went pretty well for the most part. Steve, the director, is crazy but really good at this. far better than me. it's hard though, cause this is such emotional material. to watch people unravel like this. I'm always wondering what's going on with people but then I see and it's like, please don't tell me all this. It has the potential to be really great. It's far better than the stuff out there now. But this time it's up to me. how else will it get done?

so lovely fans, you can read about this production process here below.


the character I'm doing abandons her baby and is in college. I was in college when I first read this play. So I searched for articles on people throwing their babies in dumpsters, and suprisingly many of them turned up. In different parts of the country. So I'm lucky that, despite the problems women have, at least I can get an abortion, the morning after pill if I need it. One of my favorite plays is Slow Dance on the Killing Ground. The girl is walking around Brooklyn at around 1AM looking for an abortionist, and she's alone when she confronts the two other characters. This play was written before abortion became legal, and it's such a gem of a play. She is so similar to the Plath character that this must have been common enough. If you got pregnant then, you were really in trouble. I don't love the idea of abortion, but it is necessary. Still, we have abortion now but all is not great still. We're still not equal. We have abortion, the morning after pill, women bankers. That's the right.....up to the top. But why don't I feel the equality, never have? Cause.....well stories in my family, my mother, me, school, it's complex enough. I had this girl friend in high school who was really pretty, full of potential. I remember her saying she wouldn't have an abortion but she supports the right to choose. This is someone who had the world at her feet. Next thing, she was homeless, starving, moved into a squat, calling herself Tree, and had a kid, under those circumstances. I hope she's well. She herself was badly treated as a kid. She started crying once at Halloween, really seriously. That was one of the few deja vu moments in my life. I still don't think I feel as intensely, nor have I ever, as I did as a teenager. So I mean, we see these shows now about how the ancient Incas sacrificed children and ate them, and we of course are disgusted and horrified, thinking they must have been primitive brutes (thus it's a good thing the Europeans arrived to civilize them?). So if aliens land here and decide to take over Earth, maybe two thousand years from now people will look back at us and say, they threw their babies in dumpsters, they fried people alive in the electric chair, they had savage crack wars, gang fights, they bombed entire civilizations, and we will be seen as savages.

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