oh lovelies

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I've been reading

about people leaving for months for world travel. I do want to do that myself. But I also enjoy coming home, back to familiar surroundings. I can't just give up my place and take off......or can I? I read this autobiography of a dancer who did just that. She said something about being driven by impulse, that she does that despite plans she made. Something about being intuitive not rational. I think it's a combination of both. Sometimes I did things impulsively and they turned out to be the right thing. I guess you never know.

But I am seeing I'm probably not an office worker. I'm a performer, I thrive on insanity (some) and.....I'm hyperactive by nature. That's why I nearly lost it at my last job. Just sitting there for hours....who can do it? It's unnatural. I see these women walking around in stilletto heels all day and I don't know how they do it.

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