oh lovelies

Friday, December 16, 2011

today...slept for what felt like countless hours

I was dancing yesterday.....performed last night.....my arms and thighs were bruised.....

then what bizarre dreams I remember just cause I was woken by a noise......I always always dream about water only this time it was dirty. I had these little candles I lit two......one burned faster than the other though I didn't know which one....(Edna St. Vincent Millay "My candle burns at both ends....." ) then I walked past a building where someone, a man I know, I thought it was him....but it morphed into an Orthodox woman in a building where Hasidim were living.....though I thought a friend had told me he lived there.

Then that I was told someone I knew said something about someone I met.....OK I'm holding back I can't give away too much......but that was very upsetting to me. I woke up and ..... only a dream.

Oh yes. That someone I ....this a singer, that I had been drawn to this summer......was stepping into a lake or river of very choppy water, not really clean, like the Hudson River. I was telling him not to do it but he did....going down steps. There was a motorboat or something I was on, or supposed to be on (I get this all the time though the water changes).....and I realize I left some candles I'd bought on a boat across the water.....I'd have to get over it, through it to get them. Who knows? I usually don't understand til later.

River of Dreams by ~ldiehl 

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