oh lovelies

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

11. Brothers Love Dubs - 1-800 Ming (Rui Da Silva Remix) - GU019 - CD1 b...

I know I go on and on about this but this particular....what is it now? A CD? An album? A ipod list whatever it is now......it has....I do think this is one of the BEST recordings ever.....I know this is morbid, but I bought this back in the summer 2000 and this is one of the rare instances it's worth actually buying the whole CD cause you'd have to listen to it straight through. Just because I'm the cheapest person in the world. I don't buy anything. I don't steal it. I just don't HAVE anything cause I don't spend. But this is one of the exceptions. There. That's a compliment from me. But I ......listened to this all that year and through the summer. I kind of....in my head I associate it with......well never mind I won't go into it. Anyway.

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