oh lovelies

Friday, May 13, 2005

music again!

it's so great to hear it.....been deprived of comps for a week, xcept for cyber cafes. In a way, it's good. I mean, I can't have a relationship with a machine....or have it turn into hal in 2001 space odessey. I went out, saw the trees, the sun, walked across the bridge, read, walked some more, met some people....had a mixed experience.

I want to start my own consciousness raising group too.....been frustrated with the feminist groups I've gone to. Some of them left me feeling so.....it's hard to say. But I kept thinking there was something "wrong" and can't shake that feeling and it really eats at me. ......but I think there's potential to uncover some fascinating stuff. I feel like so many women I know have a lot to say, something burning to express, but they're not saying it. And it's a hard thing to live with, because you got interested but then suddenly the door is shut again. I am realizing how many women have experiences like mine, but anyhow.....just wonder where I fit into this world, and the women in my life....well, I'll have to go into this somewhere else.

On another note, I just finished Jane Smiley's 1000 Acres and loved it! I want to see the film again.

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