oh lovelies

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


I have many. They're in my head. my b day is coming up.....I hate that. Well, it's in late july, but that's creeping in. But anyhow, I'll be older but the same, doing the same. So much time has gone by and some of it was spent well, but things didn't happen anything close to how I expected them to. I feel almost like I've wasted a year. But then again, I didn't. I made a lot of effort and some progress, perhaps a lot. But still IT hasn't happened....

I am going to stage my own reading of this verse play, I need two other actresses and a director. I have to find a rehearsal space and venue. This is all low budget of course. I would rather keep it small and among people I know rather than hold auditions. Anyway, I know something about the audition process. Today I went to one where all of a sudden it came up we're supposed to show our movement ability. I asked the proctor, do they want us to dance? I can cheer, I said. He said basically if it shows movement, do it. So I did a shakespearean monologue then a radical cheer, but I am so rusty I was tripping on myself and forgetting moves, but hopefully she didn't notice. The shakespearean monologue went well, as I've been telling myself to work on monologues every day regardless of what else is going on.

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