oh lovelies

Monday, July 13, 2015

Lucas Chansler in prison for exploiting underage girls

Fortunately this lowlife 
  "sextortionist" was caught, convicted...... sentenced to 105 years. Ugh! If gps is tracked (by whom?) I'm holding back from saying more......apologies as I published this in draft form very rough, from my phone. But here are the articles: 

(a little confused myself as I found two articles on this dated several months apart.....but anyway)

(sorry for the confusion I was writing this as plural "they" ect because there was another similar case of a man pretending to be Justin Bieber (yeah, you read right) and tricking naive girls into undressing on camera and worse.....call it a form of rape, really. I wish I didn't know about this kind of thing, or that it wasn't as common as it is. But I can't deny when I was this age I could have fallen for this BS, from someone, as high school kids are just that: kids. Their brains are not fully developed and not mature enough to make decisions, that also being consent to sex. At that age, you are susceptible and want to believe what people (men) tell you......I was in high school before internet but that is merely the latest tool for an age old dirty scheme......a guy once told me he could count on one hand how many girls he's known have NOT  been prey to a dude like Lucas Chansler. Now he has a teenage daughter.....sad but serious.....I am grateful for the advice, education and warnings I got they were a life saver)
 Ignorance is bliss, for a short while, til you suddenly can't afford to be anymore. When you find out, it's too late. So don't trust anyone and educate yourselves! It can hurt to find out the truth about someone you believed in and let into your life. But better not to have them in it.

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