oh lovelies

Monday, June 21, 2010


That ......I went fishing? I never fish. In the Hudson River. By the gates I think in Dumbo, or maybe in Mom's neighborhood. I get into the water to retrieve something. I have the keys to my apartment in my hand, forgetting I have them. The water feels very clean and cool, and I'm thinking this as I get submerged......the waves are coming over me and I start swimming. I wrote this on a paper print out I had on the Tarot card the Page of Cups. I was sorting out papers and this was one I was going to put in recycling. There's a symbol on the lower right corner of this card, on what appears to be sand. It looks like a sigil of some kind....Andromalius? Something hidden? Water is behind this person who could be male or female. She is holding a cup with a fish.

Digression.......but the flowing water is behind her. It looks like deep water, not the shore of a beach. There is no gate protecting her from the water behind her.

So I'm submerged in this water but it starts to get windy. I realize I could be pulled out, but I manage to hold on to the earth/ground, pull myself out. Water gets turbulent. As I get out, go back behind the gate, it gets very windy. There are huge rocks suddenly, and the wind and water is so strong it pulls the rocks into it. I think it's lucky I got out, but I realize I think I threw my keys in the water. I can't get in my place. I consider calling J to ask if I can stay with him, I lost my keys. But then I realize I still have them.

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