oh lovelies

Monday, July 17, 2006


I get really fed up with America, by that I mean the United States. I feel like I can't take living here and I don't belong here.....this is a right-wing nation and for anyone who's not life is a constant battle against these elements. Why fight for so many basic things instead of living in a place where they're already there....things like the morning after pill, universal health and child care, mandatory maternity leave, ect ect.....and OH I forgot to mention: decriminalized prostitution.......so that you don't have to waste time fighting for it and can move forward? It's so debilitating, after a while.....and I have a hard time trusting ....well, I won't get into it.

I don't want to seem like I'm "ranting" but, well, I am I guess. But it needs to be said.

This is off the subject, but I had this wierd flashback to when I was sixteen living in Chicago. I was going to this summer school there and would get cheese sandwiches at this kind of restaurant/greasy spoon/bodega near my school. I guess it's cause I'm hungry now but sometimes these things kind of fall on me, or because it's summer now, or because I was so....back then if I knew what I now know I may have suffered far less than I did. But I had such niave visions of the world and the future, though in other ways, my views then were pretty much in sync, with some exceptions, with what they are now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.