oh lovelies

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Whitney Houston

I read....saw a headline, maybe it was the Examiner, one of those.....she may have been murdered. Guess no one really knows the cause of death. But.....look at the statistics....prescription drugs were found by the crime scene.

Whitney Houston, prescription drugs
Michael Jackson, prescription drugs
Amy Winehouse, prescription drugs
Brittany Murphy, prescription drugs
Heath Ledger, prescription drugs
Marilyn Monroe, prescription drugs

A young woman died recently from the birth control pill Yaz. I know it's one death but others have been permanently disabled from it. This woman was previously healthy, and only 18 years old.


this is disturbing stuff, not the kind of thing I like reading. I could go on and on about this....and these drugs are legal, and declared "safe" by the FDA after "passing" tests......they are not safe. True, you could overdose on Clorox or jump off a building but it's far more likely people will overdose on prescription drugs. Too many people and animals.....by legion....are dying unnecessarily. That's ....I mean that's a huge understatement. This is murder, murder, murder, and murder. To those women in NOW who shot down the universal health care bill....shame on you and the blood of humans and animals dying from these barbaric, archaic and fraudulent tests by the pharmaceutical companies YOU defended, even though every single woman, without exception, that we spoke to at the conference supported universal health, is on your hands for standing by doing nothing when faced with this crisis. You know who you are. So congratulations as yes this is partly your doing. You are murderesses. I'm not going to mince words. Did these companies "contribute" to NOW? Some might call it a bribe. Sorry, but people like you are the worst of the worst, since you pretend to be what you are not. Even someone like Phyllis Schafly or Sarah Palin is straightforward about who they are......they don't pretend to be on the side of their victims. The truth has to out and it's not a pretty one. Mitt Romney is not pretending to stand up for women and animals. You have blood on your hands, blood on your hands that will never wash off.

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