oh lovelies

Friday, October 14, 2005

back into the loop

So I've been sending out resumes for job jobs and acting. I think I'll only focus on what I want.....I won't work in a cubicle, or at least I know I don't have to now. That's right! I will work with people, for beauty and glamour, making people happy.....I don't have to be stuck in an office doing something I hate and working with.....well I won't say. I can be in a job where I look nice and am out in the world socializing and in which aesthetics matter, cause they do!!!! And I don't miss getting up at 6 AM but if I work on films' I'll have to, but that's different from an office job. So much of acting is unglamorous, too, though: the hours sending out resumes and writing them and making phone calls, alwasy rushing to be somewhere, always late for something else, and now I have to be available at all times, if I want to make any money. But I'm making progress, slowly, but I am.

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