oh lovelies

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yoko Ono - Kiss Kiss Kiss (Reversed)

I have to say....Oh man the letters came out red too! I don't get spooked easily having studied alternative spirituality: but THIS is spman this is the infernal stuff go back to celestials?????!!!!!?????suggestionsI had heard ....now I don't know HOW anyone discovered this.....that the reverse of "kiss kilss kiss is "I shot hjohn Lennon:" and there are those who dismiss conspiracy cas bs well decide for yourself. I personally got chills.

OK more paranoia....but the time for positing thisw said also 4:11.....adds up to 6.

ALSO I AM A GENIUS: kiss kiss kiss


ssik ssik ssik

move the ses around and you have siks siks siks ok you get te idea

I have to say having read about Satanism and knowing Satanists and being De spooked and de programmed still raised Episcopalian; a tolerant and kind form of Christianity: having slept with a Bible on the table as a kid to keep away evil spirits; and my Greatest Stories of Jesus book my grandmother got me; where I stayed up late and read all those stories: blessed are the poor, verily I say unto you, it's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into Heaven, bury your talents and watch them grow, the road to hell is widely paved and many follow it; the road to heaven is twisted and hard to follow and few find it; ect ect I grew up with all these messages! Or that the devil would come out of the closet, thanks Mom, for teaching me this; the little red man with hooves for feet and horns on his head: all this scared the fucking shit out of me as a kid. My mom's then husband would play Monty Python tapes, or give them to me to listen to, because I was alone in my room and too fucking scared to sleep. Also, my mother told me the Mac Beth story but that's another thing. I was seriously afraid these ghosts would come after me; and they really were there. My stepsisters and I once played around with a Uuija board and the thing was moving; whatever it was. Sure there was something there. I dream about that place on Belmont still. Kermit the frog sheets. Digress a little.

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