oh lovelies

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

to those

who insult and defame my friends:

hey you're entitled to speak it's a free country. Even though you did not allow others the same....those who disagreed with you or questioned your highly unbelievable aspersions against person in question which, by the way, you did not keep anonymous.

And you are allowed your opinions no matter how wrong you may be. But if you're going to say that people whom I've become close to are these evil monsters when, face it, you have nothing which to back up your accusations, expect that I and others are going to take offense and well, lash back. Where are the other sides' comments? I looked and can't find them.

My friends are not perfect individuals. They make mistakes like anyone. But they don't deserve what is being hurled at them. OK. more on this later.

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