oh lovelies

Tuesday, June 02, 2009



there's you there's me
we could be both
from the same mirror
there's nothing to fear

you are the one I have to face
I can't be erased no no
was I too late
was it my fate

does the moon pull me
am I like jello, like the sea
can I be set free
do I want to be

I'm the other
the thing on the side
when will it be mine
will I live, will I still live

the sea pulls me
the moon owns me
I am in the mirror
far away there's
no one to fear

did they trick me
can I be set free
do I want to be

everything is split in half
this cracked egg is all I have
when there's no one around
you make a display
can anyone see it?

the moon is pulling me
it never really owned me
you made me your enemy once
if that's the way you want to go
could this be what you know

where are they
who are they with
I shouldn't worry
I'm in no hurry me or them
me or them

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