oh lovelies

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Susan Denise Atkins (May 7, 1948 – September 24, 2009)

I had no idea til today that she is gone. I always found her fascinating. One person, can be many things, and not necessarily what they appear. Of course, whatever happened that night, I suppose she is guilty probably, and it was right to put her away. But the story is more complex than it's made out to be. Anyway, to the left is one of her paintings. She became a born again Christian minister. She was a brilliant person. She was gorgeous.....really her being put away is a waste of a life, with tremendous potential. She did however accomplish much in prison; among the ministry as I mentioned also as a painter and jewelry designer. There is just something about her that.....well, draws me in. I wish I could have known her or had coffee with her. Maybe with her spirit. A coffee seance. Here's her site Susan Atkins Whitehouse.

Also Brittany Murphy, wtf happened there? Drug overdose? I wonder about these deaths that are so "random..." ....

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