oh lovelies


Saturday, February 09, 2013

Nixon....Take the Dinero and Boogie

Forgive my sloppiness my android went kaput on me for good last night....all for the best as I need a new phone. I have made some new videos and you can hear me! That may or may not be a good thing....cuz I don't like my voice. I think it's too nasal. Maybe I should do a quasi British accent like American actresses used to in the 1950s to make themselves sound more sophisticated; but I find it annoying when Americans do that. Or take it up an octave?
Anyhow......my post on Nixon was full of typos but I was trying to jot down my thoughts and watch the film. But on what I wrote of "enemies" as per mentioned in the film...Nixon I mean.......when he (Anthony Hopkins) said, "An enemy of an enemy is a friend." .......as I didn't write fully......myself I suppose I'm lucky not to have .....when I think about it do I have enemies? I can think of incidents in my life but is there a lasting hatred? Perhaps.....who though? I thought of Woody Allen (again)'s Take the Money and Run. Actually both Woody Allen and Oliver Stone went to NYU though I think Allen was thrown out? They are vastly different.....God this is getting boring! I'll get to it: I thought of the scene in TTMAR with Miss Blair (Jacquelyn Hyde) where  she  tells Allen  she thinks someone's trying to kill her and says "Why? I have no enemies?" And of course it's him......the scene....see this film if you haven' it's such a riot....where he tries to run her over in his car. I used to watch this with my former Chicago family and siblings as well as my mom....this actress was comically brilliant....just wacky and bitchy both......something.....

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