oh lovelies


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

writing earthquake

Just as I was in hell and high water and freaking out over a .....cyberstalker......the earthquake in Indonesia happened. 7.3 magnitude. That place really gets hit bad. it's an archipelago......all broken up. It's all that......"bad energy" is such a cliche.....or "evil" whatever you want to call it. Or maybe just destruction. Murder. I was watching the Kill Bill scene...Daryl Hannah calling  Black Mamba "death incarnate." Got the death card twice in the tarot. Had a horrid emotional moment. Saw that word. That name. That picture. Maybe she is death incarnate. Sorry that's harsh but what am I supposed to think? As someone who is ......I won't say "bad"  or "evil" even though that exists....I'll say "not benevolent" or "destructive" or........? Call it what you will. The same thing happened about six years ago. Seven years ago. I was at midnight mass, xmas eve, they sane "Silent Night" turned out the lights, lit candles....I got in an argument, went home to brooklyn, woke up the next morning and the tsunami hit.

But anyway. This is not good.

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