oh lovelies


Friday, March 18, 2011

some writings at cafe pick me up

Sitting here . spent money for good purposes. Brazilian Samba or Rhumba ....very soothing. I can't stand what this neighborhood's become; I don't like being here. Not only cause of stories I've heard but the crowd.....either like the Hamptons or the Kardashians who are the most vapid, stupid and purposeless individuals who ever lived. I'm not kidding these are awful people, in every sense of the word, who've come here. I don't go to Veselka any more because it's like loud middle American types who leave a mess for other people to clean up. They trashed my mother's building and left a hole in the elevator floor, and the doors wide open for anyone to come in.
The music all ambient (is that the word?)

It's raining. Just a few minutes ago about five fire trucks showed up with flashing lights. That' s another common occurrence.

I did see some adorable black and white cats at a local store.

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