Which I will be starting soon. Or I could generally call it a dance blog. Lordie there's so much written about yoga that is absurd and the wrong teachings I admit fucked me up for a long time. Which is why I feel the burden to set the record straight. Yoga is not related to any religion it is not Buddhist or Hindu or Satanic or anything except a physical exercise to reduce suffering. The origins are debatable. I will go into that elsewhere. Ideally I want to express many different styles which I will divorce from the pseudo-Eastern schtick (nothing against Eastern teachings, it's just my opinion and personal style) surrounding these "New Age" schools. You know. I am still beginning to understand readings concerning chakras which again I will work with sans religion or any spiritual philosophy. It's up to each person what works for them. But I will work on different styles. And I will add I have read some, I won't mince words, REALLY stupid, crazy and ignorant stuff concerning this. People asking if they're going to go to hell for doing yoga which is "non-Christian." Stuff like that. People really spend their time wondering about this. Yes, spirituality can spell disaster for someone mentally unbalanced or who has too many crossed conditions that will confuse the hell out of them until they spiral down into the deep end, irretrievably. That happens too.
Maybe "celestial" and "cthonic" yoga both. OK. This IS a rough draft. But it's also my blog, so I'll do it how I want. "Tantric" I just don't know enough about. But say the chakras and the seven planets, seven Olympic spirits I read about......
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