oh lovelies

Saturday, July 31, 2010


where is the real evil?
look around you
it's humans humans humans

where is the real horror the real sickness?
escape, how? escape, how? escape, how?

who are the real monsters? I live with one of them
oh so nice your stupid rainbows don't fool me

you think oh so you think oh so you think oh so you think
rage....flew past me, past me........
oh yes, pretty it's been for a time now

go ahead and delude yourself, because
if you think I love you
you are demented beyond a doubt my friend
oh so pink, oh so lovely
where's that day of what? reckoning?

oh yes, lovely it is
oh yes, lovely it is
oh yes lovely it is

you don't deserve it it was never yours
you are not its rightful owner
you never will be because you are a deluded bitch
oh yes you've sailed along
oh so peacefully
haven't you?
only the knives are under your pillows
you don't see them
nice, very nice
I still don't want to be you

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