oh lovelies

Monday, October 29, 2007

hypocrisy, misogyny and poetic justice

bastards. Will get very emotional on this issue: prostitution arrests. I know there are male hookers, but too many are female and the arrest of someone for selling sex is a form of discrimination; an attempt to control a woman's body in the same way anti abortion laws do. The fact that there are women who support these acts really scratches at me....all the time. Also considering the lack of support from women who call themselves radical feminists for any measures to improve the lives of sex workers; instead standing behind the "swedish model" I mean I don't think this would have happened in the 60s and 70s, or among the original Redstockings members. How fucking dare anyone come down on or judge anyone else for their sexual behavior? I mean what is done behind closed doors. Women are stupid, much of the time, and hurt other women and keep them down.

However, these men have done their bit as well. Reading about this stuff makes me....I don't want to use the word "hate" because I don't believe in it, but Bush is....oh he's so bad, so bad.....why is he on this earth? How could he be allowed to live with the rest of humanity? He's a murderer. And his administration. All this atrocity is happening to our own people and nothing is being done about it. Not right. Please people join the campaigns to stop this. However, there's hope. That prick got what was coming to him........

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